The Grand Connection is Bellevue’s signature downtown place-making initiative, and functions as a series of cohesive, connected and memorable spaces and pedestrian-focused experiences through the heart of downtown Bellevue.
With a length of over 1.5 miles, the Grand Connection begins at the waterfront of Lake Washington at Meydenbauer Bay Park, and winds through Old Bellevue and Downtown Park. It continues through Bellevue’s dynamic retail and civic-focused parts of downtown, across Interstate 405 and ultimately connects with the regional Eastrail in the Wilburton commercial area.
Ultimately the Grand Connection will influence the land use patterns of the Wilburton commercial area by improving connectivity to downtown and creating a landmark piece of infrastructure.
Land Use Code Amendment
In June 2021 the city adopted a land use code amendment with guidelines and standards to improve livability, access and placemaking along the route between the intersection of 100th Avenue Northeast and Main Street and the Bellevue Transit Center (Northeast Sixth Street and 110th Avenue). A new section of the land use code -- Grand Connection and Major Public Open Spaces -- reflects the elements of the Grand Connection Framework Plan vision and the project’s role as a City Council priority. The guidelines apply primarily to private-sector development projects along the Grand Connection.
Extensive internal collaboration and public involvement informed development of the new guidelines and standards. Staff were guided by an engagement plan to ensure the public, stakeholders and interested parties had access to up-to-date project information and the opportunity to provide comments.
In addition to the land use code addition, new bike racks installed along the Grand Connection will include a signature color to reflect the identify of the route as it moves through downtown.
Relevant Documents
- Grand Connection Framework Plan: Sequence One
- Grand Connection Framework Plan: Sequence Two – Interstate 405 Crossing
Who Has Been Involved
Many voices have been included in the development of this effort, including (and not limited to):
- Bellevue Planning Commission
- Local residents, including youth voices
- 425 Business
- Bellevue Chamber of Commerce
- Bellevue Downtown Association
- Business and Economic Forums
- Congress for New Urbanism
- Daily Journal of Commerce
- King 5 News
- Puget Sound Business Journal
- The Registry
- King County
- Sound Transit
- Woodridge Neighborhood Association
- Urban Land Institute
Timeline of Grand Connection-related progress
- 2015: The Bellevue City Council approved the work plan for the Grand Connection planning initiative and identified it as a Council Priority. The visioning for the Grand Connection began in April 2016 to develop high-level strategies regarding aesthetic enhancements such as paving, weather protection, intersections, art and culture, and vegetation; as well as concepts to key public space locations and mobility.
- 2017: Council adopted the Grand Connection Framework Plan: Sequence One (link above) which established the high-level vision for the corridor between Meydenbauer Bay and the Civic Center District.
- 2018: Council adopted the Grand Connection Framework Plan: Sequence Two, which established the high-level vision for the corridor between I-405 and Eastrail.
- 2018: Staff provided the Commission an overview of the Grand Connection vision and highlighted the work associated with the Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Land Use Code updates, and design guidelines. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan specific to the Grand Connection were accepted on December 10, 2018 (Ordinance 6449).
- 2016 - 2018: Staff launched a series of pedestrian corridor transportation improvements projects aimed at crosswalk enhancements along the existing pedestrian corridor route as part of the Downtown Transportation Plan implementation (adopted 2013).
- 2019: Staff, in collaboration with the Bellevue Downtown Association, led the Grand Connection Activation Pilot to identify near-term activation strategies—leading to the temporary installation of lanterns and seating along the route.
- 2019: Staff launched the development of the Grand Connection Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment as one strategy for implementing elements from the Grand Connection Framework Plan.
- 2020: New bike racks were acquired for Downtown. New racks located along the Grand Connection were given a signature color to help highlight the route. Installation is ongoing.
- 2021: Council adopted Grand Connection Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment.
Recent Presentations
Date |
Meeting or Action Taken |
Links |
6/24/20 |
Planning Commission Briefing: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment |
1/22/20 |
Planning Commission Briefing: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment |
3/10/21 | Planning Commission Study Session 1: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment | Packet |
3/24/21 | Planning Commission Study Session 2: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment | Packet |
4/28/21 | Planning Commission Public Hearing: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment | Packet |
5/17/21 | City Council Study Session: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment | |
6/21/21 | City Council Regular Meeting: Sequence One Guidelines and Standards Land Use Code Amendment |