The City of Bellevue is a hub for talent. The City partners with providers and organizations on the Eastside to connect employers with local and regional talent. Below are some resources and tips for recruiting and retaining employees.

WorkSource King County
WorkSource can provide recruitment assistance.

OneEastside SPARK
OneEastside SPARK has resources including: job boards of various Eastside cities, upcoming job fairs, and more.

Small Business Development Centers
The Washington SBDC has resources and offers one on one assistance in recruiting planning and implementation.
WA State Employment Security Department

SharedWork Program
SharedWork provides flexibility for businesses to restart and bring their employees back from unemployment with reduced hours. Businesses gradually build back their team with qualified workers receiving partial unemployment benefits to replace a portion of their lost wages.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
The WOTC is a tax incentive for employers to hire certain hard-to-place job seekers. The goal is to help these individuals become economically self-sufficient and to reward employers who give them a chance.
Employers can reduce their federal business taxes by anywhere from $2,400 to $9,600 per eligible employee.

Immigrant and Refugee Talent - Welcoming America
Bridging Language and Work: Solutions to Invest in Immigrant and Refugee Talent outlines how companies can implement solutions to overcome language barriers to help local language learners get into jobs faster as they work towards proficiency.
Tips for Recruitment and Retention
Here are some tips and best practices in recruiting and retaining employees. The links above can provide direct assistance in some of these actions.