A cable franchise is the formal agreement between the City and a cable provider, and is required by state and federal law. Our cable franchising authority is established by the Federal 1984 Cable Communications Act and execution of that authority is guided by the Bellevue City Code (Chapter 5.30). The franchise agreement only concerns cable television service, as telephone services are regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and internet services are regulated by the Federal Communications Commission. Federal law establishes restrictions on what the City is allowed to regulate. The City of Bellevue does not have the legal authority to regulate cable television rates and programming services.

Cable Franchises

Currently the City of Bellevue has a cable franchise agreement with Comcast. The franchise agreement is non-exclusive, meaning the City can enter into additional franchise agreements with other cable service providers that submit franchise applications and meet the City’s franchise requirements.


Comcast Services Issues: 1-800-266-2278
Comcast/XFINITY Website
Comcast Fee Explanation


The City of Bellevue acts as an advocate for cable subscribers in Bellevue. Our staff will file a complaint with the cable provider on your behalf for a problem you have been unable to resolve after reasonable attempts with the provider. To access City help, go to MyBellevue or download the MyBellevue app on your smart phone or tablet and submit an issue.