East Bellevue Community Council Regular Meeting
Virtual Meeting
The East Bellevue Community Council meeting for May 3, 2022 will be conducted virtually via Zoom Webinar. The public can access the meeting here, https://cityofbellevue.zoom.us/j/86447176199, using Password: 507277 or by connecting to the Zoom Webinar using Webinar ID: 864 4717 6199 and Password: 507277. For those members of the public unable to access internet services, a telephone option will be made available to listen to the proceedings. The phone number to access the meeting is (253) 215-8782, Webinar ID: 864 4717 6199.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: To be added to the speaker list for oral communications, you must sign-up by 5:30 p.m. on May 3. Click the following link to sign-up: https://bellevuewa.gov/ebcc-oral-comms.