Affordable Housing on Faith-Owned Properties Public Information Session

Date and Time:
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Virtual via Zoom webinar


As part of the city's Affordable Housing Strategy, the Bellevue City Council recently updated its policies to allow for increased density for affordable housing on property owned by religious organizations. These properties will need to meet location criteria, including having access to transit and being located near existing multifamily zones, to be eligible for additional affordable housing capacity. City staff are now working on a Land Use Code Amendment (LUCA) to implement these policies. 

Join city staff for a public information session to learn more about the criteria under consideration, the code update process, and how people can provide comment. There will also be time to answer questions about the project and the process. 

Sign up to attend on the Bellevue Affordable Housing Info Session Registration page.  

Reasonable Accommodation

For alternate formats, interpreters, or reasonable modification requests please phone at least 48 hours in advance 425-452-6196 (voice) or email For complaints regarding modifications, contact the City of Bellevue ADA, Title VI, and Equal Opportunity Officer at