Special events are public or private gatherings that feature one or more of the following conditions.

  • 500 or more participants
  • an impact to city streets, public rights of way or public parking
  • a need for city support services such as police, traffic or fire assistance

If you are planning an event in Bellevue that may qualify as a special event, you must submit a special event application of intent at least 90 days before the event. The Special Events Committee will determine whether the event qualifies as a special event, which requires permits and plans to ensure impacts on city parks and streets are limited. The committee may set conditions and fees for an event even if it is not "special."

Application of Intent Requirements

To ensure the Special Events Committee understands all that is planned, the following forms must accompany the application of intent (application of intent checklist).

  • Park Event Request Form: If the event will take place in a Bellevue park or park facility
  • Site Plan: Include an area map with specific locations for such things as food service, live music, parades, tents, vendors, garbage bins and portable restrooms
  • Event Timeline: Include dates and times for pre-event set up, and post-event takedown 
  • Sound Application Exception Request: If you are requesting amplified sound


After the application is submitted, the Special Events Committee will determine if the event requires a special event permit. The process for special and other events is presented in a flow chart overview.

If a special event permit is not necessary, the committee will provide direction about other permits that may be needed and city services and conditions necessary for it to proceed safely.

If a special event permit is necessary,

  1. The event organizer meets with the Routing and Location Subcommittee to determine event conditions.
  2. Local businesses and residents are sent a notice for public comment about the event. The Special Events Committee may add conditions based on public comment, incorporating them into the event plan.
  3. The final routing and location/event plan is reviewed by the Special Events Committee for approval. Event organizer begins addressing checklist items in the procedures guide.
  4. The event organizer pays fees and agrees to permit and event conditions (at least 30 days before the event).

Related Forms & Information