The Bellevue Parks & Community Services Board values community input and looks forward to hearing from you during its next meeting.

Speaker Registration

To be added to the speaker list for the public hearing please register using the below webform. The form will be available beginning at noon the day of the meeting and will close at 5:30 p.m. (30 minutes before the start of the meeting). At the end of the pre-registered list of speakers, there will be a call for additional speakers before the public hearing is closed. If you were unable to pre-register with this form, you may raise your hand and will be called to provide your testimony. Speakers will be allowed three minutes to provide testimony and will be called in the order of registration. 

Please note that testimony provided during a public hearing will be recorded. 

Parks & Community Services Board meetings are conducted in a hybrid manner and speakers can appear in-person at Bellevue City Hall or connect virtually. If you are experiencing technical issues with this form and are unable to register, please contact the Parks & Community Services Board at (425) 452-4162 or

Fields with a red asterisk are required.