The City Council values community input and looks forward to hearing from you during its meeting.
In compliance with Washington State campaign laws regarding the use of public facilities during elections (RCW 42.17A.555), no speaker may support or oppose a ballot measure or support or oppose a candidate for an election, which includes your own campaign. Any speaker who begins discussing topics of this nature will be asked to stop.
To be added to the speaker list for oral communications please register by using this form. The form will be available beginning at noon the day of the meeting and will close shortly before the meeting begins at 6 p.m. In-person assistance to register is available at 5 p.m. outside the City Council meeting room on the first floor.
Pursuant to Council rules, the total time for oral communications is 30-minutes and topics must relate to City of Bellevue government. Persons speaking to items on the agenda will be called first and, if time remains, persons not speaking on an agenda item will be called. The Presiding Officer is authorized, in each category, to give preference to persons who have not spoken to Council within 60 days prior to the meeting or to persons speaking to items anticipated to come on the agenda within 60 days.
Please note that testimony provided during oral communications will be recorded. Speakers will be allowed three minutes for their communication and a maximum of three persons are permitted to speak to each side of any one topic. Your name will not be called if the maximum number of speakers on your topic or the maximum total time has been exceeded. You may, at any time, provide comments to the Council via email at
The Council meetings are conducted in a hybrid manner and speakers can appear in-person in Council Chambers at Bellevue City Hall or connect virtually via Zoom using Webinar ID: 898 4695 6034, Password: 702876
If you are experiencing technical issues with this form and are unable to register, please contact the Council Office (425-452-7810 or
Fields with a red asterisk are required.