Published 九月 16 2022

市議會正在尋找 Bellevue 市公共服務委員會空缺職位的候選人有意向的居民可以在線申請。申請截止日期為 10 月 7 日(星期五)。

董事會和委員會成員由義工組成,並由市長經市議會同意後任命,任期四年,投入時間和專業知識助力打造 Bellevue 市的未來。Bellevue 市的董事會和委員會為理事會提供建議,並定期舉行公開會議。

公共服務委員會就公共服務規劃和資金向理事會提供建議。委員會負責代表社區的多樣性,並為公眾提供參與委員會活動的機會。委員會定於每個月的第一個和第三個星期二下午 6 點開會。

申請人必須是 Bellevue 市的居民。Bellevue 市重視多樣性並鼓勵任何有意者申請。


不想在線申請的申請人可從市文員辦公室或市政廳的 Service First 以及 Bellevue Regional 圖書館、Lake Hills 圖書館或迷你市政廳領取社區服務申請。您可致電 425-452-6806 索取傳真副本。可以採取以下任意方式提交申請:

  • 親自交付:City Clerk’s Office, 450 110th Ave. NE
  • 郵遞地址:P.O. Box 90012, Bellevue, Washington, 98009-9012
  • 傳真:425-452-5247
  • 電郵

如需有關該委員會職責的更多資訊,請致電 425-452-6806 聯絡副議會書記員 Karin Roberts。

Made up of volunteers and appointed by the mayor with City Council concurrence, board and commission members serve four-year terms, offering their time and expertise to help shape Bellevue’s future. Bellevue’s boards and commissions advise the council and conduct regularly scheduled public meetings.

The Human Services Commission advises the council concerning human services planning and funding. The commission is charged with representing the diversity of the community and provides the public with opportunities to be involved in commission activities. The commission meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.

Applicants must be residents of Bellevue. The City of Bellevue values diversity and encourages anyone interested to apply.

Application Options
People who do not want to apply online can pick up community service applications from the City Clerk’s Office or Service First at City Hall, as well as the Bellevue Regional Library, the Lake Hills Library or Mini City Hall. A faxed copy may be requested by calling 425-452-6806. Applications may be submitted by any of the options below:

  • Hand-delivered: City Clerk’s Office, 450 110th Ave. NE
  • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 90012, Bellevue, Washington, 98009-9012
  • Fax: 425-452-5247
  • Email:

If additional information is desired about the role and responsibilities of this commission, please call Deputy City Clerk Karin Roberts at 425-452-6806.