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Bellevue’s budget is produced every two years and includes a seven-year capital budget. The budget describes how the city intends to finance its services and infrastructure. The city government is responsible for building and repairing roads, providing police and fire protection, as well as maintaining parks, open space and recreational centers, which help contribute to the high quality of life Bellevue residents enjoy.

Bellevue's 2023-24 budget and 2023-29 Capital Investment Program (CIP), adopted by the City Council on Nov. 21, 2022, advance the Council Vision. Resident input, through the Performance Survey and Budget Survey, guides the development of Bellevue's budgets.

Budget Document

In keeping with Bellevue's budget cycle every two years, the city manager submitted a preliminary budget to the council in October 2022. Following council and resident feedback, the council adopted a revised version.

2023-2024 Budget (entire document)

2023-2024 Budget Sections


Introduction (Below)

Budget Guide


Financial Information (Below)

Appendix (Below)

Budget Detail Book
Financial Policies and Procedures

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