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Mini City Hall Facility

Bellevue is ranked among the top places to live in the United States. Bellevue's neighborhoods are well known for their distinctive character, great schools, safety, natural beauty, amenities and opportunities for a high quality of life. Residents appreciate their neighborhoods for the strong connections among neighbors that contribute to making Bellevue home.

Neighborhood News

News for and about Bellevue's neighborhoods. Find out what is currently happening in Bellevue's neighborhoods.

neighborhood walk

Each summer, city leadership and Bellevue residents walk together to discuss what is going on in their neighborhoods.


Learn about Bellevue's distinct neighborhoods and who to contact for information and services.


Neighborhood Leadership Gatherings, Neighborhood Forums and Bellevue Essentials. Connect to what matters.

cultural conversations

Cultural Conversations, summer gatherings, home improvement assistance and ways to volunteer that make a difference.

Ardmore Trail Bridge

Participate in local efforts and projects to improve and enhance your neighborhood including Keep Bellevue Beautiful!

Mini City Hall

Resources and information about city and community services.

conflict resolution center

Help to resolve neighborhood disputes.

Somerset sign

Information and support for local organizing. Connect to your neighborhood or community association.


  • The State of Our Neighborhoods dashboard provides story data boards and information about Bellevue's neighborhoods, how they have changed and what they are like today.   
  • Keep Bellevue Beautiful partners with our community to keep Bellevue litter free!  Learn about how to join local clean up events, report abandoned shopping carts and remove and prevent graffiti.
  • Mini City Hall provides linguistically appropriate assistance for residents to resources and services available from a wide range of community partners.