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On July 9, 2022, the East Bellevue Community Council was sunset by state law (House Bill 1769). The EBCC is dissolved and no longer meets.

Established in 1969, the EBCC was empowered by state law with approval/disapproval authority over certain land-use actions in a part of East Bellevue, leading to some differences in regulations in part of East Bellevue. The City Council on July 18, 2022, removed references to the EBCC from the Land Use Code and adopted previously disapproved ordinances within the EBCC jurisdiction area.

  • Questions about regulations in the former jurisdiction of the EBCC? Contact a land use planner in Development Services at 425-452-4188 or landusereview@bellevuewa.gov.
  • Want more information about amendments related to the sunsetting of the EBCC? See EBCC Sunset Code Amendment.
  • Want to become more involved or learn more about East Bellevue neighborhoods? Visit Neighborhood Services.