Plowing: The city is plowing, sanding and de-icing streets based on the snow response priority map. Main streets will be cleared before neighborhood streets. Drivers should to leave extra distance when following snowplows. Even after plowing, streets may still have some ice, snow or slush on them. Please park vehicles in your driveway instead of on the street, if possible, so snowplows can clear the entire roadway.
Drive carefully: Drive slowly; it may be hard to stop or turn. If the streets are very icy or snowy, avoid driving at all. If the traffic signals are out at intersections, treat the intersections as four-way stops. Report road hazards at 425-452-7840. For emergencies, call 911.
Report a power outage: Please call Puget Sound Energy at 1-888-225-5773. You can also go to PSE to report your outage and see PSE's outage map. Do not use generators or grills inside to heat or cook; they can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
Clear sidewalks: While city crews plow and sand streets, we ask that property owners clear the sidewalks next to or in front of their home or business.
Clear storm drains: Clear storm drains near your home that are clogged with snow to prevent flooding when the snow starts to melt.
Sign up for Alerts: You can receive emails or texts about emergencies and extreme weather in Bellevue. Subscribe for Alerts.
Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning: If your electricity is out, only use a generator outside. Charcoal or gas grills should also only be used outside.