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The white, organic, fluted top of the sculpture Piloti in the foreground is juxtaposed with the rigid lines of the glass skyscrapers in the background.
A photograph of a large sculpture. It is cluster of fluted columns rise up to form a canopy with perforated light coming through. In the background is Downtown Park.

 Piloti 由 THEVERYMANY 艺术家 Marc Fornes 创作。这件新颖的艺术作品融合了艺术和建筑设计,饰有凹槽纹的柱子耸立形成多孔的华盖,让光线可以穿透。它代表了贝尔维尤的创新技术领域、对自然形式的热爱以及我们这个由思想者和创作者组成的富有活力的创意小区。

In the foreground, water droplets fall in streams from a water feature. Behind this, several benches are seen in a concrete plaza. To the left, in the distance, you can see the white columns and canopy of the sculpture, Piloti.