Bellevue Utilities provides essential services that you rely on every day — drinking water, wastewater, storm and surface water, and solid waste. We take pride in making sure these services are safe, reliable and high-quality.
What can we help you find?

Utility Services
Bellevue Utilities manages drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste services for residents and businesses.

Utilities Bill
Bellevue Utilities bills every two months for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services for residents and businesses.

Utilities Projects and Standards
Bellevue Utilities plan, design, and construct high-value capital projects each year for our growing community.

Utilities Educational Resources
Bellevue Utilities offers educational resources prioritizing conservation and sustainable environmental practices.

Utilities Maps and Data
Bellevue Utilities maps and data are available from your own web browser. Access Bellevue Map Viewer and Open Data Portal on the City's Information Technology Page by clicking below.
Job Opportunities
Want to join an industry-leading utilities department? View current job openings and apply today.
About Bellevue Utilities
Bellevue Utilities has been accredited by the American Public Works Association (APWA) since 2004. This accreditation formally verifies Bellevue Utilities for compliance with the recommended practices for public works agencies.