Washington law requires that the City of Bellevue publish a comprehensive annual financial report each year. The report must conform to generally accepted accounting principles and be audited by the State Auditor's Office.
The financial report describes how the city uses its financial resources each year, and provides a picture of the city's financial condition at the end of the calendar year, which is also the city's fiscal year. The annual financial report is extensively reviewed by the State Auditor's Office to make sure it fairly represents the city's financial position. Each year's financial report is usually published by June of the following year.
Additionally, the city publishes a Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR), an easy to understand summary of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report designed to inform the residents of Bellevue about how the city is doing financially.
- 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
- 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report
- 2015 Popular Annual Financial Report
- 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2014 Popular Annual Financial Report
- 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2008 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
- 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
The financial documents on this page are limited in scope, and do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy city bonds or notes.
Each document in this section is dated and speaks only as of that date. The city does not undertake to update, and expressly disclaims any duty to update any document.
The documents in this section make forward-looking statements, using words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expects,” “believes,” “anticipates” and “estimates." A variety of risks and uncertainties – such as general economic and business conditions, receipt of grants and various other factors beyond the city's control – could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected.
By clicking on any link on this page you acknowledge that the documents are limited in scope, are not an offer to sell, are each dated as of a certain date and have not been updated since that date. As a result, the documents may not contain all material information and may contain material misstatements or omissions because of the passage of time or the occurrence of subsequent events.